Upcoming events
Want to get involved or meet people? There is a lot going on in the community, and you’re invited!
Have an LGBTQ event you’d like to spread the word about? Contact us to let us know!
Joyful Resilience Party & Potluck
We all made it through the holidays, Happy New Year!
We had to cancel our annual Holiday Party due to predicted winter weather, but promised to bring something to you later in January and we are making good on that promise! :)
Since it’s a new year, with some new (old?) challenges headed our way, and a pending inauguration, we decided to redirect and have a “Joyful Resilience” Party & Potluck instead!
Joyful Resilience: Bouncing back and thriving in adversity or the ability to feel joy and accomplishment while working through challenges.
All LGBTQ+ folks, friends, and family are invited. There will be music, games, and good food!
This will be a potluck so please feel free to bring snacks or something to share. Please note that this will be a no-alcohol event and bringing something is not necessary to attend.
Please RSVP if you are planning to attend by emailing Colene (colene2lee@gmail.com) and including the following in your response:
Your name
How many will be attending
Will you be brining food (Yes / No)
If Yes, what will you be bringing
Monthly Board game Night - FEBRUARY
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - MARCH
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - APRIL
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - MAY
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - JUNE
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - JULY
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - AuGUST
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - SEPTEMBER
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - OCTOBER
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - NOVEMBER
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - DECEMBER
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - JANUARY
Join us for our regularly scheduled monthly board game night!
Bring your favorite game or come to play something new.
A number of games are available to play at the PFLAG Resource Center.
You can find us here on the Second Thursday of each month.
Monthly Board game Night - DECEMBER
Join us for this rescheduled “First Thursday” board game night!
Bring your favorite board game or come to play something new.
What, you thought all those lumberjacks were straight!?
PFLAG Washburn-Chequamegon Bay Chapter invites you to the Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project's talk by Michael Takach on Queer History in the Northwoods.
The event will be offered in-person at our LGBTQ Resource Center and virtually at the link found below.
in-person at PFLAG Washburn-Chequamegon Bay Resource Center (522 Chapple Ave, Ashland, WI (map) -or-
virtually at https://meet.google.com/qnm-vpdw-yan Or dial: (US) +1 218-301-1315 PIN: 236 483 730#
For more on the Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project visit their website at https://www.wislgbthistory.com/.
Getting Through the Holidays with Ben Greene
Parents, family, friends, and members within the LGBTQ+ community are invited to attend this PFLAG chapter event. “Getting Through the Holidays” focuses on showing up for transgender and LGBTQ+ family members at family holiday gatherings. Whether it's helping grandma remember the right pronouns, figuring out what to say about Uncle Joe's openly transphobic comments, or finding a way to make the gathering bearable for a closeted youth. Ben Greene will share a variety of helpful tools and hopeful anecdotes about his own story coming out as a teenager in a small town.
Ben is a transgender advocate and educator who has spoken internationally on topics surrounding transgender inclusion. Ben has devoted his career to spreading empathy, education, and storytelling around the trans experience, and has spoken for companies, hospitals, government groups, and over 100 PFLAG chapters sharing what it means to be transgender and how to show up as an ally.
Come in person to watch this virtual event on the big screen together
Attend virtually via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6219941246?pwd=R0dqS05RakYwTDVxMXQwOFEzMFM4Zz09
Monthly Boardgame Night - November
Join us on the First Thursday of every month for an all-ages boardgame night!
Bring your favorite board game or come to play something new.
“Being Parented and Parenting Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children”
Two young people and one parent are ready to share about the child/parent journey.
Panel members: Dana Churness and Wylder Moriarty, Dorian Foster- Reimer (Ashland high school junior and GSA president)
Sara Thomsen/Paula Pedersen Concert
Buy tickets at www.sarathomsen.com
Special appearance by the (above mentioned) Rainbow Choir singing By Breath, By Blood, By Body, By Spirit
Rainbow Choir Rehearsal
This choir directed by Vincent Schueren will perform at the Oct. 27th Sara and Paula concert. During the October 24th rehearsal, the choir will be recorded and the video will be shown on Vince Schueren’s SpoonsforthePeople YouTube channel for all to see!
Contact 715 209-1100 for more info.
Rainbow Choir Rehearsal
This choir directed by Vincent Schueren will perform at the Oct. 27th Sara and Paula concert. During the October 24th rehearsal, the choir will be recorded and the video will be shown on Vince Schueren’s SpoonsforthePeople YouTube channel for all to see!
Contact 715 209-1100 for more info.
Autumn Yard & House Picnic Party
Great PFLAG supporters James and Gary are hosting a gathering at their Washburn home, 328 East Bayfield Street (Hwy 13).
Join us for a fun afternoon of food, yard games, and fellowship.
Shish Kabob veggies & meat, grill and wine will be provided.
Bring a dish to share (& beer or other beverage if you want).
Let Colleen know if you are attending and what you can bring - contact her at 715-209-1690.
Listen to LGBTQ+ People
Listen to LGBTQ+ people and their family members from our local communities tell their stories in the setting of an open and affirming worship service.
There will be a moderated panel discussion followed by communion.
Note multiple locations and times:
Bethesda Lutheran (Bayfield) at 8:30 am
Immanuel Lutheran (Cornucopia) at 11 am
Monthly Boardgame Night - October
Join us on the First Thursday of every month for an all-ages boardgame night!
Bring your favorite board game or come to play something new.
Queers on Piers
Our LGBT fishing club, Queers on Piers, will meet this Thursday at the Ashland Marina at 6:30pm until at least 8:30pm. Worms and a limited number of poles will be provided.
Beginners welcome - if you need help getting a license, please contact Elise Kehle at 314-302-3421.
Based on the experience of last weekend, the perch (up to 10"), pike (up to 26"), and various sunfish (up to 12") are all biting with great enthusiasm!
Chapter president Elise is originally from the cheese-forsaken wastes Below, and as such has an insatiable appetite for bullhead, gladly trading her catch of other species for specimens of the humble little catfish.
Wine & Cheese Night
Do you enjoy cheese and wine? Have you often wondered what the best pairing of cheese and wine is? Please join PFLAG Washburn-Chequamegon Bay Board Members as we host a relaxed and informal wine and cheese tasting. Several options will be available for folks to try. Recommended pairings will be offered but we encourage folks to try other combinations for your preferred taste.
A donation to attend is recommended but not required.
This will be a 21+ year old, adults only event.
Surviving Domestic Violence in the LGBTQ COmmunity
PFLAG WCB invites you to a panel discussion on partner violence, featuring guest speakers from the New Day Advocacy Center and the Bad River Zhawenindig Program.
Board Game Night
This is starting to become a regularly scheduled event!
Come and have some fun at our ‘monthly’ board game night!
Bring your favorite board game or come to play something new.
Rocks. They are everywhere and probably one of the most common things to collect during our travels. They are foundational to ecosystems, beautiful, strong, and often inspirational.
Join PFLAG as we participate in an evening of creativity with our friend Rocky. A selection of Lake Superior sourced rocks will be available, but please feel free to bring your own inspirational rock(s) to paint if you desire.
During the event a number of rocks will be painted and used by PFLAG as paper weights during our many tabling events.
Your creativity will not be taken for granite! :) We look forward to seeing you!
The last BBQ was so much fun we decided to have another!
PFLAG will be grilling up meat and vegan options. Please bring a dish to share to round out our menu. We'll have yard games and plenty of space for mingling inside and out.
Everyone is welcome! Bring your family and friends!
Come and have some fun!
Bring your favorite board game or come to play something new.
PFLAG WCB Chapter Annual BBQ & Potluck
Join us for our first annual PFLAG Washburn-Chequamegon Bay Chapter / Stonewall Commemorative Barbecue & Potluck.
PFLAG will be grilling up meat and vegan options. Please bring a dish to share to round out our menu. We'll have yard games and plenty of space for mingling inside and out.
This event is a fundraiser for expanding our projects to build community and provide education and advocacy. Everyone is welcome! Bring your family and friends!
Visit the event page for more information.
Fishlickers Improv
Improv is theater in which the performers don't know what they are going to say or do until it happens. From the unknown often comes comical, bizarre situations. Fishlikers will warm up with dancing, then spin off into some scenes and end by giving braver audience members a chance to join us on stage.
Board Game Night
Come and have some fun!
Bring your favorite board game or come to play something new.
Jam Session
Come and bring your instrument and your voice!
Join your friends and make some new ones as we share an evening of talent and music!
Board Game Night
Come and have some fun!
Bring your favorite board game or come to play something new.
Planning for PRIDE
Join PRIDE organizers Billy & Sarah to help plan PRIDE 2024 in the Chequamegon Bay area!
May Open Board Meeting
Join us for our May Open Board Meeting. These board meetings are open to members, volunteers, advocates, interested individuals, and those wanting to help PFLAG Washburn-Chequamegon Bay make a positive difference in our community. Please feel free to reach out for more information at info@pflagwashburn.org
Open Mic
Come and share your talent!
Sing, dance, impressions, jokes, magic tricks, poetry…show us what you got!
Join others for an evening of fun!
PFLAG Washburn 15th Anniversary Celebration - Movie: Prayers for Bobby
Celebrate PFLAG Washburn’s 15th Anniversary with a Two-Part Party!!!
Join us on Thursday, April 18th for a Reception and Movie event!
The RECEPTION: 5:30 PM - 522 Chapple Ave (PFLAG Office - Suite 102), Ashland, WI
Join us in our new office for food/refreshments before the movie. Refreshments and mental health information are provided by Tamarack Health Ashland Medical Center.
The MOVIE: 7:00 PM - Ashland Bay Cinema - 420 Main St West, Ashland, WI
Prayers for Bobby is a movie based on the true story about a mother who first prayed that her son, Bobby, would be “healed,” then anguished when he died by suicide. Mary (played by Sigourney Weaver) became a crusader for LGBTQ+ people. This is a reshowing of the same movie played at PFLAG Washburn’s first meeting in April 2009.
Due to a generous gift from Tamarack Health Ashland Medical Center, copies of The Little Book of Love from the Chequamegon Bay and The Divine Spark, Second Edition will be given away FREE at both events.
“The Divine Spark, 2nd Edition” & “The Little Book of Love in the Chequamegon Bay” Book Party
Who doesn’t like a little book party! Several authors will share their Divine Spark book contribution followed by a Q & A. Thanks to a generous grant from Tamarack Health Ashland Medical Center, FREE copies of both books will be available. Donations to PFLAG are accepted but not required.
The event will be in-person at the Bayfield Carnegie Library or virtually at the connection information below.
Virtual Connection Information
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6145307362?omn=81387775281
Zoom Meeting ID: 614 530 7362
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdXKHZBHx6
The Non-Binary Professional - A Discussion
The unique challenges and strengths of being non-binary in highly visible professions, what does “professional” mean, and some challenges and strengths specific to being non-binary in law enforcement.
Presented by: Jess Hall
In-person attendance will be hosted at the Washburn Public Library.
Virtual attendance through Google Meet at the following link:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/piq-yiax-fyn
Or dial: (US) +1 615-802-0798 PIN: 293 302 235#